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    Ginny Lin
    ABC Companies
  • Vivamus porta neque ac sollicitudin posuere. Curabitur in nibh cursus dui pharetra iaculis at id sem. Donec feugiat felis eu lacus facilisis tempor.

    Patrick Peterson
    Non Profit Organization
  • Nulla accumsan mauris eget urna commodo, a placerat felis interdum. Aliquam maximus dui neque, sed accumsan eros scelerisque sed. Nunc at facilisis neque, a mollis erat.

    Jordan Varro
    Commerce Guru


  • Design

    You can import your entire existing website and any custom responsive HTML design, so you’ll never have to compromise the look of your website for the sake of your website platform again. And with front-end designers in mind, you can preview any design changes across all your production site pages without the need for a second development site.

  • User Delegation

    There are infinite ways to delegate user access to any feature or section of your website securely. Users can be given trial access to areas and have their access expire after any period of time. Users can also manage their own account profiles including time zones, contact information, mailing lists, and passwords.

  • App Workflow

    Create custom database forms to collect information from any group of users on your site and create custom and secure data views to display the information collected to privileged users. Syncs with your contact database and trigger autoresponders, notifications, and personalized email drip campaigns based on actions taken by any user.

  • Hosted Software

    We didn't invent the concept of “versionless software” but we know you don't care what version you are running as long as it's the most current! We host everything so you don't have to worry about managing software, security, pci compliance, SSL certificates, email campaigns sending, site monitoring, backups, and servers.

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